घरेलु नुस्खों से झटपट क्रिएटिनिन होगा कम | Natural Ways to Reduce High Creatinine Levels | Ayurveda

Natural Ways to Reduce Creatinine Levels

Through our youtube channel, Kidney Treatment without Dialysis, you will learn the natural ways to reduce creatinine levels. Creatinine is a waste product formed after normal wear and tear in the human body's muscles.

In the blood, creatinine is filtered by the kidneys and then expelled out of the body through urine. A high creatinine level shows that your kidney is not functioning well. Creatinine levels show the efficiency of the kidneys. So, it is necessary to keep creatinine in a normal range, i.e., 0.7–1.2 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) for males and 0.5–1.0 for females.

In this video, we discuss how to control the creatinine level naturally. Normally, you can drink water regularly. A high creatinine-level patient should consult the doctor once to ask how much water intake they should have. Drinking adequate water regularly would help the patient eliminate creatinine from the body.

Next, your diet must have fruits like citrus fruits, cereals, vegetables, and dairy products after consultation with Doctors. All these are beneficial for Kidneys. Along with these, it helps to keep creatinine levels regular. The fruit has the proper amount of water and electrolytes, which resolves dehydration.

These fruits are enriched with fiber, eliminating toxins from the body, after which your creatinine level drops. Besides these, instill yoga in your daily practice, yoga poses like ardhmatsyendra, pawanmuktasana, and Bhujangasana are favorable. All these yogasanas increase your body's metabolism and reduce creatinine levels. Pranayama, like anulom-vilom, and bhramari pranayama activate your body, along with keeping blood circulation normal. Also, you can take your time out for 20 minutes of walking for the day. Similarly, there are numerous diet and lifestyle habits that you can instill in your daily routine. Watch the video till the end and know what else you can do to reduce creatinine naturally. So, keep watching Kidney Treatment without Dialysis, to stay informed.

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